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Gladiator - After opener's 1 Notrump bid, Gladiator provides a flexible treatment to explore slam, game, or signoff in part score.  Responder's minor bids are artificial, 2C begins a signoff sequence while 2D is a game forcing Stayman.

As opposed to the Stayman response to opener's 1 Notrump bid, 2C is a relay forcing 2D.  With a minimum hand, responder bids a major and opener must pass.  Responder's 2N or 3 level bids are invitational. 



1N - 2C;

2C is artificial, forcing opener to relay to 2D

1N - 2C;
2D - 2M;

2H or 2S rebids are natural and signal a signoff

1N - 2C;
2D - 3C;

3C shows 4-4 in the majors, opener's choice

1N - 2C;
2D - 2N;

2N rebid is invitational to 3N

1N - 2C;
2D - 3M;

3H or 3S rebids are invitational

When opener begins with 1N, responder replies with 2D to initiate a game-forcing Stayman sequence.  Opener rebids of 2H or 2S shows a 4 or 5 card major; other rebids are slam invitational showing extra values.



1N - 2D;

2C is artificial, a game forcing Stayman

1N - 2D;
2M -        

2H or 2S promises 4 card support

Incidentally, while many players use Jacoby Transfers after opener's 1N bid, the original Gladiator treatment included:



1N - 2M

2H or 2S by responder is natural and game forcing

1N - 2M;
3M -        

3H or 3S rebid by opener promises 4 card support

1N - 2M;
2N -        

2N rebid by opener denies 4 card support

1N - 3M;   

3H or 3S by responder is natural and slam invitational


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