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CAB - Control Asking Bid (Epsilon), an acronym associated with "Big Club" (Precision) and similar systems.  The convention, typically used in a game forcing auction subsequent to a Trump Asking Bid (TAB) or Ace Asking Bid (AAB), queries partner for the primary honors in a given suit.   Example:

1C - 1S;
2S -  3C;
    2S is TAB, 3C is second step (Notrump is 1st), showing 1 top honor
3H -  ?       3H is CAB in Hearts, asking responder to identify Heart controls.

Control Asking Bid responses are (two methods are shown)


Method 1
(fast shows)

Method 2
(slow shows)


3+ low cards, no honors

First and second round of control, AK or AQ


Third round of control, Qxx or xx

First round of control, Axx or void


Second round of control, Kxx or x

Second round of control, Kxx or x


First round of control, Axx or void

Third round of control, Qxx or xx


First and second round of control, AK or AQ

3+ low cards, no honors

If asking partner rebids the suit as a further query, the responder makes a first or second step bid to shortage or honors values ("re-CAB), respectively.

"Compressed" Control Asking Bids occasionally are initiated at high levels, where using a 5 step response is inefficient.  When partner initiates a CAB at 5C or above, the following approach applies.

Compressed CABs:


Method 1
(fast shows)

Method 2
(slow shows)


No controls

First round of control, Axx or void


Second round of control, Kxx or x

Second round of control, Kxx or x


First round of control, Axx or void

No controls

Also see Precision systems, Alpha Cuebid , Beta Cuebid, Trump Asking Bid, Control Asking Bid, Suit Asking Bid, Delta Asking Bid and Precision/Big Club Books

Some Acol players play a CAB variation after opener's strong 2C bid.  Responses are:


Less than 8 points and no Aces


Holding the HA (possibly another Ace)


Holding the SA, not the HA


Holding 8+ points and no Aces


Holding the CA, no major Aces (possibly the DA)


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